Gordian Group was engaged by the major equity holders of ATP (and ultimately the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders) in connection with the bankruptcy proceeding.
Case Study
ATP Oil & Gas Corporation
CLIENT: Official Committee of Equity Security Holders
Restructuring & Debt AdvisoryIndustries
Energy, Utilities & EnvironmentalBusiness Profiles
ATP Oil & Gas is a Houston, Texas based company that develops and produces oil and natural gas in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea. The Company specializes in acquiring and developing properties with proved undeveloped reserves.
In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion in April 2010 the federal government imposed moratoria on drilling and related activities in the Gulf, preventing ATP from bringing to production in 2010 and early 2011 six development wells that would have added significant revenue. The delay in production caused cash flow issues that led to a bankruptcy filing in August 2012.
Gordian Group was engaged by the major equity holders of ATP (and ultimately the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders) in connection with the bankruptcy proceeding.
Gordian was able to successfully petition the Court and the US trustee to appoint an Official Committee of Equity Security Holders based on preliminary valuations of ATP’s significant reserves, and give the Company’s shareholders an official “seat at the table.” Despite these best efforts, subsequent and further significant diminution in estimated economically developable reserves, coupled with yet more production delays on wells in development stifled the case.